Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Montanistan Solicitor to teach Constitutional Law

The Montana Attorney General Solicitor, Anthony Johnstone will teach Constitutional Law at VANDAL Prep. (otherwise known as the University of Montana Law School).

Anthony Johnstone in a Montana Courtroom

Anthony's Boss, Steve Bullock protects VANDALs (students who violate rights, act unethically)

The Montana Attorney General used public funds to protect an unauthorized and unsupervised law student (and therefore a VANDAL in criminal contempt) instead of protecting the consumer; reason Steve Bullock will be voted out in 2012. [Angela Wetzsteon '08 of Ravalli County Montana]

What has Anthony Johnstone learned at the MT AG?
  • The Montana & US Constitution mean nothing.
  • Constitutional rights are to be plowed over for prosecutorial dominance
  • your ego as a prosecutor is more important than anyone's constitutional rights.
  • student practice rule is for chumps, and criminal actions can be covered by public funds.
What will Anthony Johnstone teach his students at the University of Montana Law school?
  • how to profit off of citizens protected rights
  • how to plead against the US Constitution
  • convince you that the University of Montana Law school is a top law school (it isn't).
Would you learn from a kid that looks like he graduated from law school within the last 10 years?

Do you think as a prospective Montana law student that you will actually learn how to uphold peoples rights at the University of Montana Law School when the State of Montana is ranked LAST for justice?
[US Dept. of Justice--November 2007]

Here is our trademark example (seen by 5,000 people in 3 weeks) of Montana Corruption:
 [Legends of the Fall (1994)]

the movie is not fiction of how Montana is corrupt--want to attend law school here?

What Anthony Johnstone will do is convince you--he is a convincer---that you are getting a top notch law education, when in reality you are being indoctrinated in VANDALISM: we teach you how to take rights.

One day, if you are lucky after being "trained" at the University of Montana law school, you will wake up in a cold sweat and say "MY GOD! WHAT HAVE I DONE?"  [Talking Heads--"Once in a Lifetime"]

You might put people in prison contrary to their constitutional rights--which you never learned at the University of Montana Constitution class under Anthony Johnstone in Missoula Montana.

How will you ever pay for that beautiful house......You may find yourself taking Valium to resolve the nerves, or as my lawyer told me.....with Ulcers due to knowing the truth......prosecuting lawyers in Montana are VANDALS and are trained at the University of Montana Law school.

You are on a road to nowhere


Just think of the loans, and the THINGS you will have to do to pay them back:
  1. Destroy innocent Americans in Montana
  2. Separate families from their loved ones.
  3. Watch your clients or "defendants" give up to suicide due to having no rights, Montana has a doubled suicide rate as compared to the United States.
  4. Step into your above average automobile, mortgaged house knowing it was from VANDALISM.

Wetzsteon Facebook/Myspace
Angela Wetzsteon, VANDAL queen celebrates contempt of court August 8, 2007
Learn from Angela Wetzsteon '08 who has to live with the fact she destroyed someones work life who was helping people in need, and was exceptional.  Not only will you become a VANDAL from your University of Montana Law training in Missoula Montana, but you might become a psycho-killer like George Corn:
dml law
[he has friends who work in the White House--protected state terrorism]

Prosecute George Corn for Murder for requesting UNREASONABLE bail which killed Americans:

Think about that road to nowhere as a lawyer....and to stomach being a psycho-killer.  I am sure Anthony Johnstone will make it seem surgical, natural (like natural born killers).  He's a fifth generation VANDAL.

[your theme song, your "groundhog day" after becoming a University of Montana lawyer]
(Talking Heads--Psychokiller)

Maybe a Montana lawyer isn't such a good idea after all. (or any lawyer)
--Pick a road to somewhere...not where you take people's livelihoods and rights for your paycheck.

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