Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Is it Illegal if I Say that Jenifer deWolf Paine, Proskauer Rose Attorney is a Dumb Bitch? Is that Opinion, Defamation, Slander or Fact?

What if I Can Prove that Jenifer deWolf Paine, Proskauer Rose Attorney is a Flat Out for a Fact Dumb Bitch, will that get me Sued?  Will Jenifer deWolf Paine, Proskauer Rose Law Firm stomp her feet and take my Domain Name ?  Will it piss Proskauer Rose, Corrupt Law Firm Off so Bad that they take away my "Birthday"?  Anyone who is Literate, can see that Proskauer Rose Attorney Kenneth Rubenstein perjured himself over the Iviewit Technology Scandal.  Anyone with a Brain can read the documents on the Iviewit case and see that Proskauer Rose Law Firm was involved in STEALING a 13 Trillion Dollar Patent and in the Collapse of Enron as well as many other Multi-Billion Dollar Scandals.

So why in the world does Ms. Thing, Jenifer deWolf Paine have her panties all in a wad over a few of my Domain Names, does Jenifer deWolf Paine not have bigger fish to fry? Seriously, Jenifer deWolf Paine cannot really believe that Proskauer Rose is entitled to my Intellectual Property nor that Proskauer Rose Law Firm is innocent in the iViewit Case? And well if Jenifer deWolf Paine does believe this well then YEP have to Go with "Dumb Bitch" . .sorry.. Dumb is Fact, Bitch is well. "in my Opinion"..

oh and Hey thanks for Stopping by to Hang on my "Every Word" . .Love Ya..

Crystal L. Cox
aKa Mad Dog Blogger ~ Crazy Crystal Cox....
the TRUTH about Corrupt Proskauer Rose Law Firm.

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