Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Securities and Exchange Commission Exempt from Protecing the Public and Telling the TRUTH. Whitehouse Still Protecting Iviewit Technology Theft.

to Silence an SEC Whistleblower - Obama, Formerly of Foley and Lardner Simply Enacts New Laws? No Wonder the Iviewit Technology Theft is still Silenced as the Whitehouse Continues to Protect the Wall of Corruption at the SEC.

SEC Exempt from the Freedom of Information Act ???

Well Email Me Your Information, Start a Blog, Send me a Link and Get the FREEDOM of Information Ringing True. Crystal@CrystalCox.com

We All Know How to Shut Up a Whistleblower Right?

I mean there is Economic Terrorism whereby you Simply Take away there ability to make money, you slip in huge - fraudulent tax bills.. and well basically Starve them into Shutting up or saying Oops I had it wrong.. the Truth is Not the Truth so I can still make a living and Feed My Family..

We know that handcuffing a Whistleblower and taking them to a Mental Institute for "their own good" is an often used method of whistleblower suppression.. heard this one Over and Over again...

There is also of course Death Threats, Car Bombs, and all manner of Intimidation to shut up Whistleblowers.. and well they seem to prove to be quite affective tools in the Suppression of Truth.

Thing is with the Power of the Internet, and With Whistleblower Uniting there has to be a way for the Wall of Corruption to Shut Down Information a Little Bit Better .. to actually Keep the Truth from You no matter how much it affects you, how blatant the fraud is.. and well that is where the Federal Government Comes in.. they have to actually do the unThinkable and ....

Well It Seems the Ultimate Way to Silence a Whistleblower and anyone who may think that the TRUTH is a Good thing is too.. Well Make a New Law that basically Forbids the Truth.. a Law Such as the new Corruption is Legal Law for the SEC. Which seems to make SEC Attorney Corruption Illegal... and you don't get to ask why...

Seems the Madoff Billions.. Stolen and the Illusions around it.. well too many got a hold of this information and there needed to be a way to protect corruption within the SEC, so there was a New Super Duper .. GET rid of your Right To Know.. Regulation to Prevent Freedom of Information within the SEC.

See.. No disrespect to Our President, However .. Obama was at Foley and Lardner Law firm at one time.. therefore Obama has a " law will help to protect the Massive Corruption of Foley and Lardner as well as the Mighty Corrupt Law Firm of Proskauer Rose.

It is Common Knowledge that SEC attorneys aid and abet high finance crimes and that Corrupt SEC Attorneys help major law firms such as Proskauer Rose and Foley - Lardner.. and that Corrupt SEC Officials cover up and hide major fraud of Billion Dollar Companies such as Intel Corp., Warner Bros. , Sony and More...

Quite often these Corrupt SEC Attorneys get cushy jobs at these Law Firms that covered for Major Tech and Media Companies. In 2 years of Investigative Blogging.. there is NO DOUBT in my mind .. from what I have seen and heard that the SEC Ignores Complaints, Hides Major Fruad that they really do know of such as the Trillion Dollar Iviewit Fraud on Shareholders of Major Companies such as AOL, Warner Bros., Intel Corp., Sony, and More.

Tons of Evidence to Prove without a doubt, Massive Shareholder Fraud Among major tech Companies, and Proven Evidence against the law firms that helped them to fraud shareholders and nothign seems to be done though the SEC has known for a VERY long time. So who is paying off whom and when does it STOP?

The Proof on the Iviewit Stolen Patent Continues to Pile Up, and well the SEC Knows Full Well of the Massive Liability to Shareholders of Warner Bros., AOL, IBM, Sony, Intel Corp. and More .. yet so far this information is hidden from the public.. suppressed .. and well it is NOT going away.. the Truth on the Iviewit Stolen Technology will continue to pour out over blogs, radio shows, whistleblower media and there will be no end to it.. You will easily see the SEC Corruption and how the White House is protecting SEC Corruption and now with the SEC can do no Wrong Law.. well it actually is making SEC Corruption Legal... in My Opinion...

So the law Keeps the Secrets of the Liaison between the Corrupt SEC Officials and the Evil Corporations so that the Shareholders will be Kept in the Dark as to what is really KNOWN by the SEC and NOTHING is done about.


the SEC Does Get Major Tips and Ignores Them.

the SEC does Cover Up for Big Money Players and Ignore Information, Documents and Incredibly Documented proof in Massive Shareholder Fraud such as the Iviewit Stolen Patent, in which the SEC knows about and continues to Ignore. Fox News does not need Freedom of Information to Find out the TRUTH about Iviewit, Just Read the 1200 Documents of Proof at http://www.iviewit.tv/

SEC "Officials" Get Cushy Jobs after they Do "Their Time" protecting the Asses of Corrupt Law Firms and Major Companies like Intel Corp., Proskauer Rose, IBM, Foley and Lardner, Warner Bros, AOL and many.. MANY More... the SEC is NOT in place to Protect YOU in any way.. Yet you Pay their Wages to Create this Smoke and Mirrors Illusion.

Links to the SEC Free Pass Regulation / Law that is the End of Freedom of Information and the End of the Illusion that the SEC is in place for the Protection of the Public.. NO Way the SEC protects Major Law Firms and Major Corporations and Shareholder - YOU Lose !!!



More on the Iviewit Stolent Patent ... Tons of Documents and Proof.. Facts on the SEC knowing about this Massive Shareholder Fraud and Deliberately Protecting Law Firms like Foley and Larder, as well as the Majorly Corrupt Law Firm Proskauer Rose.



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