Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pilgrim's Pride Discriminating Against Certain Chicken Farmers? Corrupt Pilgrim's Farm Employees

Pilgrims Pride - Time for a Class Action Lawsuit as Pilgrim's Pride Integrators.. Representatives seem to be discriminating against Farmer's and the motive is unclear... is it a pay off somewhere to give better chickens or pay to certain Chicken Farmers? Have a Pilgrims Pride tip? Email me Crystal L. Cox Investigative Blogger -

So Do Pilgrim's Pride Reps Take Money under the Table to Give certain Chicken Farmers Better "Deals" - better "pay" ???

One Pilgrim Pride Discrimination Story

"...When we first went into the chicken business, Pilgrim's Pride would identify which laying farms all of your chickens came from. Once the broiler growers learned which farms had better production rates from their hens and consequently would give us the broiler farmers a better feed conversion and cost per pound, this came to a halt.

They no longer would identify the farms on our receipts.

This information was invaluable in disclosing which farms were continuously receiving the better production birds. Pilgrim's claims that the birds are distributed fairly.

There is ONE person responsible for the placement of birds!

It is a scary thought to think that ONE "man" controls our livelihood.

He can make or break you with the mark of a pencil all for the sake of the almighty dollar. It all depends on who his golf buddies are.

I do not choose to be a golf buddy to him, nor do I choose to pass him any money under the table.

I am an honest farmer trying to do a good job. I have asked my fieldman to look and see where my birds are coming from compared to the guys getting first place.

After several requests, he now tells me that he does not have access to that information.

Some of the farms that are receiving the better birds are not kept up and are allowed to do things that the rest of us absolutely cannot without being threatened to not receive birds for the next flock.

When we ask them why a farm was allowed to do something that "IS NOT PROTOCOL", we are told that we are not to go to other farms or discuss such with other producers.

.... This is just the beginning.

Other producers are scared to death to talk about this with you or anyone because their livelihoods have been threatened. ...""

Do you Have any Information on Corrupt Pilgrim Pride Employees?
eMail Me at

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