Friday, August 13, 2010

oK JP Morgan and Chase.. Enough Already..

JP Morgan and Chase are always on My blogs.. I suppose mostly to do with their unEthically Firing Peter Sivere - and the SEC Corruption of George Demos .. now so Blatant in his Crimes that George Demos is Running for Office.. What a Crock. George Demos will most likely win that race as OMG what connections he must have... as Rumor has it when a Corrupt SEC Official "Resigns" another words is Caught Red Handed so Leaves "innocent" - well they usually get Cushy Jobs at Law Firms or Billion Dollar Companies for their Job Well Done as a Corrupt SEC Official.. however sometime they get "Elected" so they can Pull Even More Billion Dollar Puppet Strings..

So think it matters if George Demos is the Right Man for the Job? NOPE, my Guess is .. George Demos will win Strictly on his Political Favors Owed.. I mean Connections to JP Morgan, Barclays Capital... major law firms.. Favors Pulled for Him from the New York Grivance Committee.. well Let's Just Say Right Now .. George Demos You Win !!! and Save the New York Tax Payers Some Money.. I mean who still believes that Election are really about who the "People" Vote For... ... If you Believe That .. I got a bridge to Sell ya..

Ok So JP Morgan on my sites.. More on Other Topics they Love.. Later.. It seems for Some Odd Reason that the Topic the are interested in is the names and players of the Iviewit Stolen Patent.. So why is JP Morgan researching this.. ??

Today JP Morgan New York Googled "Iviewit Scandal" - So JP Morgan Whats Up?

More on what JP Morgan Chase New York can't get enough of on my Industry Whistleblower Sites.. Coming Soon...

Leads me to Wonder Just What SEC Strings did George Demos PULL in order to BLOCK the public, the investors from information regarding the Multi-Trillion Dollar Liablity of the Iviewit Technologies Inc.

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