Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sony Guilty of Embezzlement of Stolen Propietary Information? Sony and the Michael Jackson "alleged" Murder.

" July 6, 2010 – Sony Patent Denied on Stolen Technology

While Weitzman is raiding the estates of pop and rock stars with California Judge’s blessings and Branca is having people re-write the history the years 2005 – 2009, Sony is embarking on their own form of embezzlement in the form of stolen proprietary information.

I heard about it first on the Industry Whistleblower, contributed by a friend. I did some searches and found the story here on massive Shareholder which had a link to the original SEC complaint here.

On the google docs link you can read the complaint along with links to patent information.
Copy of the agreement here.

This is a potentially explosive situation that involves the shareholders of several multi-national corporations.

It goes on to say,

“It is imperative for the SEC to note that after the Signed Licensing and Service Agreement, Iviewit opened a California Office inside a Warner Bros. building, in order to take over encoding operations for their online content, and more.

Iviewit began billing according to the Licensing and Service agreement.

Please note the language in the Licensing and Service agreement pertaining to the Proprietary nature and Confidentiality of the Iviewit inventions.

Suddenly, after the agreements were signed and operations were underway, Wayne M. Smith ~ Vice President and Chief Patent Counsel at Warner Bros. began seeking a re-review of Proskauer Partner Kenneth Rubenstein’s (“Rubenstein”) prior patent opinions regarding the Iviewit inventions to Warner Bros. employees.

Smith then claimed to Colter that he found problems while reviewing Rubenstein’s opinion with the patents on file at the US Patent Office[6]. At this point, allegedly, a coordinated conspiratorial effort between Smith, Rubenstein and others began to derail the already signed Iviewit agreements with Warner Bros et al."

“Allegedly, former “Acting CEO” of Iviewit, P. Stephen Lamont, (a referral emanating from AOL’s Leonsis) Smith and Rubenstein then worked to derail the Licensing and Service Agreement. Warner Bros. then further attempted to deny the existence of this BINDING CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION as further evidenced in letters exhibited herein, whereby the Signed and Binding agreement is wholly denied.

The amount owed in service fees since the signing of the contracts would be an enormous amount over the almost 10 years of use and where Warner Bros et al. have never notified Iviewit they were cancelling such contract, it may still be considered effective.

Yet, it would difficult to cancel what one tries to deny the existence of and perhaps the reason no cancellation was formally completed.”

At the cruxt of this complaint, “May 25, 2001 Letters to and from Douglas Chey (“Chey”), Senior Vice President of Technology for Sony Pictures Digital Entertainment and Divisional CIO, Motion Pictures and Television Productions of Sony Pictures Entertainment. Chey, formerly with Warner Bros. was working with Iviewit at Sony (also under Signed Agreements) together with Warner to do a Five Studio Movie Download Project, Movielink, where the Iviewit inventions were to be the backbone enabling technologies to make digital download and streaming possible as a commercial endeavor.

Since that time, Warner Bros et al. and Sony have both done similar digital downloading projects, in violation of Signed Agreements with Iviewit.”

Mr. Chey was the former CEO of Sony Pictures.

The SEC should also begin FORMAL INVESTIGATION of Sony’s involvement in these matters. Similar calls to those described herein to Warner Bros et al. for sound business discussions to attempt to alleviate shareholder liabilities have gone wholly ignored by Sony’s In House Counsel, Executives and Auditors.

I will be filing a more formal complaint shortly with the SEC but this should not delay immediate investigation by the SEC, in order to preclude Massive Liabilities to Shareholders of Sony. The SEC and all other investigators and committees addressed herein, can take this Formal Complaint additionally as a FORMAL COMPLAINT AGAINST SONY. "

These are the kind of people that surrounded Michael Jackson.

Sony, Warner et. al. think nothing of defrauding their shareholders out of billions of dollars. The billions Michael was worth? No problem!

Fans of Michael Jackson!

You condone this behavior every time you purchase a Sony produced Michael Jackson CD, licensed merchandise or book, DVD or action figure (Do they still have Michael action figures?)

Money talks . . . you-know-what walks!
Stop feeding the machine!

Interesting and familiar - “Based on new information since that time, it is alleged that Rubenstein, Lamont, Leonsis and Smith operated together to sabotage Iviewit/Warner Bros et al. relations and others, purposefully to breach the prior signed licensing agreements and avoid paying the royalties owed to the Iviewit companies, using the old “good guy / bad guy” routine.”

Yes, Michael has been all over this road! Mottola, Branca, Malnik, Konitzer, Wisner, the unnamed attorneys and fired business managers that conspired to drive him into bankruptcy . . . This is the way Sony practices business!

Interesting to note that the upper echelon (officers) of both Sony Corp and Warner bros. have been listed as being attendees at Bilderberger Meetings AND are members of the Trilateral Commission.

I am not mentioning this as part of a global conspiracy theory, but to draw attention to the reason things like this get so little press attention.

Most of your big 8 media outlets are corporate owned by a couple of individuals, of which also belong to these groups or attend these meetings.

Time-Warner is one of them, New York Times is another, New York Daily News, all the way down to the Children’s Television Workshop and Seseme street. Wallstreet Journal, National Public Radio, ABC, CBS, CNN, New Yorker Magazine, Newsday Corp, Newsweek, Time Magazine, NBC, PBS etc . . . all members and invitees to meetings.

They’re buddies.

If one of their corporate buddies want something suppressed in the news, it gets suppressed.

Michael Jackson?
No problem. Besides . . . the damage has already been done, hasn’t it?

A multi-trillion dollar swindle is about to take place.
Let’s see how fast the SEC acts on it.

Chances are, it won’t.
Because the SEC is a government agency.
They will find another “Murray Fall Guy” make a big deal and the trillions will still be lost and stockholders will never see their money.

I am begging for your help.
Do not fund Sony.
Do not fund Branca or Weitzman.

Keep an eye on this one, people.
And watch what the press feeds you.

“ Paper-twisted, ruthless lies…In a mirage of doubt….”
Bonnie Cox © Feathers on the Wind

Source of Post

Got a Tip on any of this?
Email Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

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