Sunday, June 6, 2010

Eliot I. Bernstein - American Inventor, Iviewit Technology EXPOSES Massive Corruption over Stolen Patent that will Cost Shareholders Billions.

Eliot I. Bernstein - American Inventor
of Digital Video Imaging Mathematical Scaling Formulas that we all Use.

Eliot I. Bernstein Inventor and Founder of Iviewit Technologies is Bringing to you the Story of the Greatest Patent Heist of All Times.

The Iviewit Invention is something most all of us use in our daily lives. This Technology Invention is worth Trillions yet the Iviewit Technology Company and the Iviewit Inventors never got ANY compensation for their Invention.

Now for the First Time, First Edition Eliot I. Bernstein is telling YOU about the "Fight for the Holy Grail" - a Tale of a Stolen Patent that involves the most influencial Politicians, US Courts, Patent Office, International High Profile Law Firms, Our Biggest US Tech companies and More. The Iviewit Stolen Patent story is a story that so boldly points out every little layer in the great American Wall of Corruption that affects all of our Lives.

Many of us face Corrupt Judges, Courts and Attorneys. Many of us have been taken by corporate favortism and by attorneys deciding what is best for you based on what is best for them. This Story exposes the Layers of Corruption and Cover ups in a Scandal that has been going on for over decade, and shows us how these things really happen and How They Get Away with this Trillion Dollar Crimes for So Long.
In Eliot I. Bernstein's Book on the Fight for the Holy Grail you will see who has benefitted from this Trillion Dollar Patent Theft, Who has Covered it Up and How they Did it.

MPEG LA a Corrupt Patent Pooling Company has benefitted from this Stolen Technology through a Corrupt Patent Attorney from Proskauer Rose LLP - Kenneth Rubenstein.

Proskauer Rose LLP continues to this day to aid and abet MPEG LA to illegally pool patents, violate Anti-Trust laws and maintain their corrupt monopoly all the while stealing inventions for the Smart Men and Woman who invent the Technology with no compensation to these inventors, investors and companies.
Shareholders of Major Tech Companies will One day pay the price for this Wall of Corruption involving their CEO's, General Counsel's, Patent Attorneys, Supreme Courts, Patent Officers of the United States, Influencial Judges and Attorneys, State Bar Ethics Committees and More..

"" Iviewit is an American technology corporation with patents pending and in suspension by the US Patent Office. The patent pending applications are pending ongoing investigations at the USPTO, USPTO-OED, FBI, SBA and others of alleged crimes committed by former counsel Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner & lest we not forget patent attorney Raymond Joao, found putting 90+ patents in his name.

Eliot I. Bernstein is an American Inventor of Digital Video and Imaging Mathematical Scaling Formulas who started a technology company Iviewit, Inc. Seed capital provided by H. Wayne Huizenga and H. Wayne Huizenga Jr. founder of Blockbuster, Waste Management and the Miami Dolphins. Later joined by investors including, Ellen DeGeneres and Alanis Morissette.

The company initially entered into technology licensing deals with Real 3D (a consortium of Intel, Silicon Graphics and Lockheed Martin, later wholly acquired by Intel), Sony, AOLTW / Warner Bros., Hyatt, and more.

Visit for the whole story. ""

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