Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Summit 1031 Exchange Bankruptcy - Tim Larkin - Lane Lyons - Brian Stevens, Mark Neuman - Do You Feel Lucky?

Correct Me If I am Wrong, I Know You Will - But is this a "Confession" from Daddy, Mark Neuman Summit 1031 Exchange Principle?

Cha-Ching. I think it is a Confession

Tim Larkin - Lane Lyons - Brian Stevens, Mark Neuman
You Have to Ask Yourself...
Do You Feel Lucky ?

Obsidian Finance Group, DOJ, FBI, Creditors.. What Do you Think Of Daddy's Response.. Need the Original.. ( Got It )

Hey Mark Neuman ..
Whether Stephanie Lives through this or not.. I will Still See you Financially Ruined and in Prison.. As I am Answering the Prayers of the REAL Victims Suffering... the Real Estate Victims - the Creditors - the Exchangers - the Investors YOU Duped...

Drop Your Pants and
Bend Over Mark Neuman
- Summit 1031 Exchange Principle.

Emails Between Mark Neuman and Stephanie DeYoung..

Bankruptcy Whistleblower Says to Summit 1031 Principle Daddy Mark Neuman -
March 7, 2010 9:48:47 PM

" You letting go and sharing your story is your redemption.

This is how you will live free.

There comes a time when you have to make a choice.

Are you going to abandon your fear and be you to the universe?

Are you going to show people how they should fight back?

It is tax season and we need to work, but in the meantime we can get help to build your blog as a QI Industry Whistleblower/Investigative Blogger.

Crystal is just saying shit or get off the pot.

Love you.

Stephanie "

Mark Neuman Summit 1031 Exchange Principle Says

"" It didn't make me cry nor fall into despair.

I'm comfortable with where I'm at at this moment.

If I'm letting Crystal get to me, how could I not let Padrick and his gang get to me?

And I'm just not going to cross that line on the other principals.

I know what I can pull out in the end if I had to...... and they will certainly deserve it then if they abandoned me.

But should we be making them the bad guys cause they don't want to get in this brawl?

Pitting us against each other plays right into what the DOJ and Padrick all want.

Get them fighting amongst each other and it takes pressure off of them.

I would put more credence in it, but there really isn't much to pit against each other. I know very well what Lane did in his tenure is not in line with how he's trying to portray his role. I have the list- yes, an actual list and it gets longer as I review emails and such.

So tell me this.

Do you think that your blogs will expose it and somebody from the DOJ will just show up someday and charge them? This is how I pictured it.

The blogs keep spreading information and the Internet public that ties in watches...... and the DOJ watches, the creditors committee watches.... they all watch.

They latter ones worry. What they don't want is the next step.

A friggin newspaper reporter (as rotten as they seem to be) decides he/she can get some attention on this story and breaks it and it gets widely distributed..... and it starts to grow and grow. Or a TV reporter.... whatever it is.

The newspapers don't have the power that they once had because of the internet, but it is just another portion of the house falling in on the bad guys (rascals as Rich calls em!).

I believe the real story has some momentum and the story is just in the beginning of swinging the other way. Why are you going to the Bulletin??? Cause it is part of the process of getting attention on the right people.

One of the things these other websites don't seem to have, and I'm guessing here at bit..... alot of traffic. I would have seen them long ago. Not coming up high in the search engine..... so they aren't doing some things right which you and Crystal are doing.

So I look at them just as more educational than anything with possible clues that could be used for the Summit clause. But I don't want to leave up to them to find the links. I want to make it easy and will email them. "

That's Right Summit 1031 Exchange Principles - Tim Larkin, Lane Lyons, Brian Stevens... Daddy has a Back up Plan to Take Care of You. .. So Go Ahead and Remain Silent.. YOU Lose !!

Daddy has a List on You.. and Daddy Mark Neuman is So Pompass.. he would First Hospitalize his Daughter to Silence.. her.. that won't work . .because I Don't Care Anymore.. he thought I Would Shut Up because I Would Be So concerned with her.. thing is She is Awesome and ALL but she certainly does not mean more to me then the 106 Victims that Daddy Created.. SO I Choose to Let her Lay there and I Choose to Keep Talking..

Daddy Don't Own My Thoughts, My Power, My Spirituality, My Truth... So if You Need to Make Your Daughter Pay for YOUR Sins.. with her Very Life, her Mind, her Heart... Looks Like there is Nothing I can do.. .. Your Truth is Your Truth.. My Truth is My Truth.

I will however Sleep Well at Night knowing I Do Tell the Truth.. Care about People and Expose.. Evil.. Dominating .. Suppressive.. Thieving ASSHOLES like YOU...

When the Hospitalize My Crazy Fucking, Off Her Rocker Daughter don't Work for Summit 1031 Exchange Principle Mark Neuman ... HE will Rat Out Summit 1031 Exchange Principle - Tim Larkin, Lane Lyons, Brian Stevens... a Back up Plan to Protect Him and His Family.. You - Tim Larkin, Lane Lyons, Brian Stevens, YOU are the Next Collateral Damage in Daddy's Arsenal...

Here is the Way to Confess Your Sins...
Come On it Feels Sooo Good..

If You all Dig In.. Well Then I will Take ALL Four of You up to the Prison Gates.. and Maybe your Wife and Adult Kids Too.. Jan Neuman of Course.. oh and Guess What .. This Crazy Mother Fucking, Manipulating, Brainwashing .. Predator.. WILL Take Little Miss Hot Pants Stephanie Studebaker-DeYoung Right up to those Gates too.. and Bret DeYoung.. he will go as Well.. as How Could he Not Know what She knows.. the Pillow Talk on this Secret must be Juicy !!!

So Decide Summit Mafia ....
Is it ONE of YOU
Or ALL of YOU... ???
Is this a Chance Your Willing to Take ???

Oh and ... Tim Larkin, Lane Lyons, Brian Stevens ... I have Daddy's List.. so if his Back Up Plan should not come into Play by Him.. It WILL come into play by ME....

Sweet Dreams White Collar Criminals..
Ruining Lives of Innocent People... WELL
This is Your Come to Jesus.. Party..

Maybe NOW is a Good Time to
Run To .. Say Guadalajara ... ???

I Know you Assholes Have SECRETS, Lies and Fraud..

I Know you have Hidden around 20 Million Dollars.. possibly More.. .. and I am Telling You for the Sake of Your Family - YOU had Better Turn on Mark Neuman - for the FBI wants Someone.. it is ONE or ALL.. Him going down will save you and your families... He Goes to Jail.. You Live a Happy life.. and Well Maybe I won't find ALL of Your Hidden Assets and you can even afford some New Underwear....

Posted By
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

More Information on the Summit 1031 Exchange Scandal is Rough and Raw Truth at - For More on the Let's Indict the Summit 1031 Exchange Assholes... Go to -

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