Thursday, March 4, 2010

Richard Chimberg of CL-Media Relations LLC and Randy Whitestone of Neuberger Berman. Proskauer Rose and the Neuberger Berman Sale.

When my Little PR Spat First Started With Richard Chimberg of CL-Media Relations LLC..

You Can Find that at the Link Below

Anyway at the Time I started researching What it is was that Richard Chimberg of CL-Media Relations LLC was so upset with the Difference between "Early Next Year" and May... well it became Obvious that a few months was a Big Deal to Someone.. next thing ya know..

Lehman Brothers hit those posts, and so did Proskauer Rose LLP... I had not really found the time to track down that interesting coincidence as to Why Proskauer Rose LLP was so interested in what I was writing about Richard Chimberg of CL-Media Relations LLC which led me to Randy Whitestone of Neuberger Berman, as Richard Chimberg used a PDF from him as his "Official Source" that I was to take as the "Official Media" or Story on the Neuberger Berman Sale.

I was still not Exactly sure WHOSE Ass Richard Chimberg of CL-Media Relations LLC and Randy Whitestone of Neuberger Berman were trying to Protect by Running that Bluff on me to Remove a Post or change it when the Source I got it from was Right there on the post and they did not remove it.

All this became so Curious to me - Crystal L. Cox - Industry Whistleblower and Investigative Blogger That I Continued digging to see what the big deal was about... turned out that there was over a 100 Billion Dollars in Investment Funds that Richard Chimberg of CL-Media Relations LLC and Randy Whitestone of Neuberger Berman were doing the PR For.. and Turns out they Don't Get Internet PR of the Modern Media Day and Age to well.

So still looking for answers on this I...Crystal L. Cox, Some Hillbilly in the Wilds of Montana not Knowing much about these 100 Billion Dollar Investment Funds and All... And Seeing that Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and Proskauer Rose LLP sure did like my post on Richard Chimberg of CL-Media Relations LLC and Randy Whitestone of Neuberger Berman, I Decided to Google .. "Neuberger Berman" "Proskauer Rose" -

Hmmm.. it is starting to Become Clearer to Me now just Whose ASS that Richard Chimberg of CL-Media Relations LLC and Randy Whitestone of Neuberger Berman were being Paid those Big Bucks to Protect. And just How Deep that Blogger Scat Is that Richard Chimberg of CL-Media Relations LLC Stepped In.

It is Still a bit unclear who got or hid, what on this deal.. who got that interest money on a 100 Billion Dollar Plus Investment that Closed in May 2009 and NOT in "Early 2009".

I wonder who got hundreds of millions of Dollars, Where it is and what is Really going on with this story... and why in the World would Richard Chimberg of CL-Media Relations LLC put Mad Dog Blogger Crystal L. Cox on the Scent of this Story by Emailing me and Demanding I remove or change a post that was a Direct Quote from a Financial News site, and the Change Richard Chimberg of CL-Media Relations LLC wanted me to make did not even make sense to me.

Did Richard Chimberg of CL-Media Relations LLC even Google Me Before he Attacked?

Did Randy Whitestone of Neuberger Berman know that Richard Chimberg was Emailing me and Throwing around the Name Randall Whitestone as If I Should Know who that is????

Did Richard Chimberg GET that I was simply Researching Proskauer Rose and that this Neuberger Berman thing WAS really no big thing to me, he would have... HAD Richard Chimberg done his homework. I sure hope he Does PR for FREE or as a HOBBY as I DO...

So What We have is Mystery around Possible Bankruptcy Corruption, Possibly FTC Fraud, or SEC Fraud... we have someone getting "undo riches" .. we probably have a Corrupt Bankruptcy Trustee in here somewhere and Some Serious Mis-Appriated Funds Probably now at Proskauer Rose Caribbean Division or Invested in the London Expansion...

I Don't Know what all this Means.. However With Proskauer Rose LLP Proskauer Rose Negotiating the Neuberger Berman Sale - you know there is Dirty Deals and Corruption Somewhere - I mean if Proskauer Rose Law Firm Can STEAL a Trillion Dollar Patent through a bankruptcy court proceeding ... well then it seems to me that Proskauer Rose LLP knows their way around The Bankruptcy Courts, the Bankruptcy Laws and Knows just who to Pay off in what Places.. in order get What Proskauer Rose Wants.

Stay Tuned for LOTS more on Just what Proskauer Rose LLP's Connection is to the Neuberger Berman Sale - REALLY and how much money they made, who hid what money where and What is Really Going on with all this...

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Crystal Cox Blogs

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