Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mark Neuman Summit 1031 Exchange Principal - Bankrupt - Career Ruined ... So He is Stealing His Daughters Business and Silencing HER...

Summit 1031 Bankruptcy Update: Summit 1031 Bankruptcy Whistleblower Silenced by Her Own Family... Love ... STOPS the TRUTH..

Conform or Else Daddy Will Make Sure that You Do.

Time to Flip the Coin and Show you What Went Wrong With the Summit 1031 Exchange Company, What is the Inside Story of Mark Neuman in all this, and what Accountability is REALLY Playing out to WHOM...

Soon to be Posted at 1.5 years worth of Emails and Information on Mark Neuman.. as Well As Tips I Hope To Get Emailed to Me By YOU..You Can See By Stephanie DeYoung's Blog Posts that she is a Very Smart Woman. She has all the numbers of the Summit 1031 Exchange Rolling around in her head. She has presented amazing detail of the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy and Exposed all the players with documented evidence. Stephanie DeYoung has documented interviews, wrote on each LLC, reached out to Creditors, Initiated her Own FBI interview and She has created a thorough documentation of One Oregon Bankruptcy. This lets us all get an inside peak at inner works of how a bankruptcy is run, and lets us see the pattern of corruption that plays out in these high profile, high dollar bankruptcies..

The Summit 1031 Principals have remained silent, why I am not sure... my guess is they have something to hide. At one point Mark Neuman announced that he would get the story heard and reached out to blogger to tell his story, yet his own daughter had been telling the story already better then anyone could.

Mark Neuman Bankrupted his Daughter with His Very Bad business decisions with the Summit 1031 business, she had advised him of other options and he ignored her. Over the last year, though she has Roared this Story he has done everything he can to keep her down, to control her and to get her to say what he wanted. Instead she wrote what she wanted to write as it was and is her blog.

Mark Neuman lost everything through his Greed and Criminal Activities, and his daughter gave him a Job This Tax Season doing Tax Returns out of the Kindness of her heart.. .. During this time he ranted about the Summit Bankruptcy, he tried to Control Stephanie's business decisions and to Control what she said on her blog about the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy.. He even emailed me what he thought I SHOULD be Saying..

When He Could NOT Control her and Get her to Say and Do as He Wanted her to do, well he set up his own daughter, he Silenced her Voice, Suppressed her TRUTH and now he is Big Daddy on Campus once again... only this is her business and he has taken Control of HER, her Business, her Voice, her Life, her Husband, and Her Truth.

What ever SECRET Daddy is Hiding, to Throw his own daughter under the Bus for IT... it must be a DOOZY... we WILL Get to the bottom of it.. Got a Tip on Criminal Activity of Mark Neuman - Bend Oregon, Email me

Though Mark Neuman through his own actions ruined his daughters financial life and caused her enormous hardship and stress, she gave him a job... SHE Stood By Him and he will not stop at taking even more from her...

He want to quiet her TRUTH Telling, he wants her Business, her Clients.. he wants to run her business his way.. He wants to Silence her on what Dirty Little Secrets of His that she has not told any of us by Blog or any other way.... So This Evil Man, with No True Love for his Daughter.. only wants to STOP an indictment, to Protect his own Ass-ets, and wants to control her business as he HIMSELF has lost his...

Question is How far WOULD A Father Go to STOP the TRUTH?

How Far will Mark Neuman Go to Discredit his Own Daughter Before She TELLS ON HIM.. what must she know..??? for him to do what he has done to her.. SHOCKING is an understatement... How can he live with himself ruining his daughters life.. over and over.. taking her money, years of her life.. that was NOT Enough.. HE Wants MORE..

She is Telling the Truth, I have emails and phone calls to prove that she is Clear, and is Simply speaking the True Details of the Summit Case.. and her Own Father has Convinced her Husband, her Own Sister... to Silence Her .. whatever it takes..

This for wanting desperately to tell the TRUTH.. .. The Truth that even those closest in her life cannot hear, and seem to have No Faith in Her Voice.

She Cannot Speak Right Now as her father is doing what needs done to Silence her, take control of her business and Keep her from TELLING his Dirty Secrets... Like Where did DADDY hide his ASSETS.. and what OTHER Criminal Activity has Daddy Really Done?

Daddy's little Girl is smarter then him, and he
NEEDS to KEEP her DOWN at all Costs... and Well He Has..

I was trying to Protect the Real Estate Consumers with the Truth of where there money is now.. and had not yet painted the Picture of What went Drastically Wrong over the Years that led to the Fall of Summit Accomodators. Now is time for that.. As the FBI needs Help to figure out Who to Indict and Why.. SO got a Tip? Email me..

After Stephanie DeYoung's FBI interview she decided to do a video about it all and point out what happened in the bigger picture, this included the humanity aspect of it all as this stuff violates not only our pocket book but our very life. Mark Neuman did not like Stephanie taking time from the Business he now wanted control of to spend on Her Truth, Her Voice.. so he figured out a Way to Control her.. to STOP her from TELLING that Story and Get her to Conform... As if we are back in the 1920's ... Silencing the Voices of Women with whatever is deemed necessary force..

Stephanie spoke out about the Bankruptcy because she was and is one of the Victims who has been bankrupted by the Activities of Inland Capital and Summit 1031 Bankruptcy. Stephanie tried to find a balance, find a way to STOP the HUGE flow of money to attorneys that was not just, was not fair to the Creditors.. she was really try to help the Creditors .. the victims as she was one.. However.. Mark Neuman her father.. gave her no voice, no credibility and when the World Started to Listen to Stephanie... HE Silenced her.. Seemingly with her Own Husband's Approval.. Shocking.. at Best..

Stephanie has tried to bring justice for all and NO one seems to hear her...

Stephanie's writings paint a picture of possible Bankruptcy Corruption, of Possible lack of real fiduciary duty by the Department of Justice Trustee and really do expose something that is going on all across America.. She is a Hero in This.. Since Stephanie's blog on the Summit Bankruptcy I have been given tips and written on big and small bankruptcies across the Nation and it seems Stephanie DeYoung is part of something HUGE and that is STOPPING Corruption.. this has led me to a Major Blog Network of Exposing Corruption and I get Billion Dollar Tips weekly, and tons of emails daily with people begging me to tell their story...

Stephanie DeYoung is a Hero, Giving True Voice to Victims and Those She Loves want to STOP this Nonsense, STOP her Truth, and Do not Recognize the Value in what Miracle she has Done.

Last week she contacted the FBI to make sure they were going to Interview her on the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy so she could tell her story. Stephanie DeYoung's Story was one of pointing out the things that Summit did do right, was of sharing documents of truth for all to see, pointing out that the Creditors were being duped - where the money went and really wanted to help to STOP the madness and get those Creditors paid.. She found out that the FBI did not really know bankruptcy laws and could not help.. she wanted to talk about this.. to help the greater good and fix a vastly broken financial system..

I was Never In Defense of the Summit 1031 Principles.I was in Defense of a Bankruptcy Whistleblower being allowed her voice... the Corrupt Bend Courts could not Silence her, the FBI could not Silence her, The Attorneys and Banks Could Not Silence the Truth, the Blogs, the Newspapers they all raged lies and many hate at her and still she stood tall and spoke the TRUTH through it all.. However Stephanie DeYoung does have a Kryptonite - a Weakness and that is LOVE.. she loves her Children, Her Husband and yes even her Father... and that Weakness has Silenced Her..

Again.. I was never in Defense of Summit, I was and am in Defense of the Rights of an Industry Insider - a Whistleblower to tell the True Documented Story..

The Department of Justice is not watching this case and as far as I can see is not really protecting Creditors, neither is the FBI or the Oregon State Goverment.. I see patterns of corruption in many bankruptcies and get more tips weekly. However, that being said this blog will now Focus on What Went Wrong, what advice did Mark Neuman - Summit Accomodators get and ignore, what real estate did they own, what assets did they hide, who has secret information on the assets of Summit? Though Summit turned over asset enough with insurance and bonds to cover their debt ... I am not sure if the Bonds and insurance was needed..
How do we prove Hidden Assets - is it Silver - Gold.. Land in someone Else's names... Look for deed transfer's that any of the Summit Principles may have done in the last year... THINK.. they knew their ship was sinking where did Mark Neuman hide the Millions he will go get after the Indictment Dust Settles... PROVE IT.. email me your Tip at

Stephanie DeYoung had most all of the Creditors emails and Contact information, Stephanie DeYoung had the Accounting Information... the TRUTH on Summit.. and she was trying to fight for her rights as a Creditor herself.. as someone who lost big in Summit Bankruptcy.. but had no rights as she was and is Related to one of the Summit 1031 Principals.

Mark Neuman was afraid of Stephanie having all these Contacts and what TRUTH she would tell, Mark Neuman Needs Stephanie's business as a cover and well the only thing in the way of Mark Neuman's Evil plans his Flesh and Blood Stephanie Deyoung...

We shall Scour Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Texas and MORE to Find where Daddy Mark Neuman has hid his Assets, where are Mark Neuman's dirty little Secrets that he would give his daughters life to hide ????

Mark Neuman has no choice but to Discredit his own daughter, take her power from her, control her business that way if She Tells the TRUTH about him he can claim she is simply out of her mind and that is not true.. To Smart for Daddy.. So Daddy Did a VERY Bad Deed..

This is My New Blog Exposing Summit 1031 Will Be at
There Will Be Emails from Mark Neuman
over the Last Year and Much More..

Posted here By TRUTH Teller
Industry Whistleblower
Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox

Got a Tip?
Email Me at

Together We Will FIND out Where Mark Neuman has Hidden Assets...
and Much more on the TRUE Story of Summit 1031
in all the State they were in from Day ONE of their Doors Opening..

More on the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy

Bend Oregon News

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