Friday, March 12, 2010

Blowing the Whistle On Fraud - Exposing Corruption - Calling Out Wrong Doers - Powerful Whistleblower Site...

Great Whistleblower Blog on Department of Justice Fraud, Oversight, Lack of Staff to Look into Fraud Alerts, Corrupt Judges, Above the Law Judicial Cronies and Lots More...

"" was created because in my opinion the False Claims Act and other remedies available to ordinary citizens to combat waste, fraud, special interests and abuse that is taking place in this country are a joke.

The Department of Justice takes less than 1% of the fraud cases presented to them due to lack of staff. If the case succeeds, the Department of Justice gets over 75% of the reward. It should be the other way around.

If the Department of Justice passes on the case i.e. it is so unconcerned with the defrauding of the American citizen, then the person who brought the fraud to the attention of society and risked his or her job, family, time and money to right the wrongs that the government created but refuses to fix should get 75% of the reward for their trouble.

I believe that the doctrine of sovereign immunity and qualified sovereign immunity is illegal, and that every judge who upholds the illegal doctrine of sovereign immunity be placed in jail for treason.

I also believe that any judge who interprets the 11th amendment as barring a person from suing the state in which he or she resides, be put in jail for treason and given remedial reading lessons because obviously the judge had trouble understanding the words the founders put in front of him or her.

Yes it is treason. Sovereign immunity is a doctrine based on English law that tried to make it into the Constitution 2x but was rejected by our founders both times. So the Judiciary did — illegally — what the founders refused to do which is to create a 2 tiered legal system where some people and entities are more equal than others.

In fact I don’t know why the Judiciary didn’t just rename America — Animal Farm. If you want a system that is just, then everyone must be subject to the same consequences for bad behavior.

The people who create the law in America have absolutely no right or authority to insulate themselves or other “special people” from the laws everyone is supposed to be subject to. America is a country by the people and for the people. I think our government and our judiciary would best remember that. ""

Folks Sites like this One are Part of the Solution... Check out the Link Below and Lend your support to this Amazing Whistleblower Exposing Corruption, Providing Solutions, Exposing Fraud, Exposing Corrupt Judges, Calling Out the Department of Justice for Not Doing their Job.. Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox says WOW.. I am Impressed... this Woman is Amazing and I Encourage you to read the site below and to FIND your Voice - Speak Up - Now is Time. NO law enforcement, Law Maker, Judge, Or Attorney Should Be Above the Law...

Click Here to Read this Amazing Whistleblower Report ....

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